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Agriculture, Health, and Education
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From Cambridge to Village School in Zimbabwe: Student Researchers Help Inform Policy

Village School in Zimbabwe

What competencies do teachers require to implement a 21st century curriculum in Zimbabwe? What are effective strategies for curriculum delivery in a classroom with high teacher-pupil ratios in Kenya? Which social determinants have the biggest impacts on maternal mortality in the Gambia? What are the root causes of drug stock-outs in eSwatini? This past academic … Read more

Ghana’s Education Minister Awarded Accolade for Leadership of Historic Reforms

The Hon. Matthew Prempeh, Minister of Energy and former Minister of Education of Ghana, in the right of the picture participates in working group during the 2018 Roundtable taking place in Johannesburg. H.E. Jakaya Kikwete, former President of Tanzania, in the left of the picture listens to Minister Prempeh’s remarks.

Education reform is always challenging mainly because of the deeply vested interests of stake holders, such as teacher unions and professional associations, as well as parent-teacher associations. Because education is something most people care about, it is also a political hot button issue. This is true of Ghana and successive presidential administrations over the past … Read more

Adapting to Challenging Times

Adapting to Challenging Times

Like most others, the Harvard Ministerial Leadership Program had to rapidly recalibrate in March when the University, the United States and most of the rest of the world shutdown. The core strength of the Ministerial Program is the opportunity for person-to-person networking and experiential learning it offers Ministers during their time at Harvard. With in-person … Read more

In Historic First Valerie Amos Appointed Master of University College, Oxford

Harvard Ministerial Leadership Program Advisory Board Member Baroness Valerie Amos, who is the Master of University College, Oxford University and former Secretary of State for International Development of the United Kingdom, provides keynote remarks during the 2019 Harvard Ministerial Forum for Sectoral Ministers.

Harvard Ministerial Leadership Program Advisory Board member, Baroness Valerie Amos has been appointed Master of University College, Oxford University. Baroness Amos will be the first female Master of University College, Oxford and the first black head of any Oxford college. Baroness Amos is currently the Director of University of London’s School of Oriental and African … Read more

On-line Technical Support Helps Build Professional Capacity in Government Ministries

On-line Technical Support Helps Build Professional Capacity in Government Ministries

The Harvard Ministerial Leadership Program’s Virtual Implementation Platform (VIP) is a unique component of the Program’s follow-up support to Ministers after they participate in the Ministerial Leadership Forums at Harvard. The VIP is an online program of technical assistance and capacity development designed to support implementation by senior ministry leadership of the Minister’s primary policy … Read more

Brenda Onguti Awarded Prestigious Tessa Jowell Research Fellowship

Brenda Onguti

BOSTON, March 5, 2020 – The Harvard Ministerial Leadership Program is pleased to announce that Brenda Nyanchama Onguti has been selected as the 2020 Tessa Jowell Research Fellow.  With the support of this Fellowship, Brenda will conduct research to identify practices that facilitate or hinder provision of quality antenatal care in Zambia and generate actionable strategies that can … Read more

Ethiopia Women Ministers Strategic Leadership Retreat

Leadership Retreat

“Our women ministers will disprove the old adage that women can’t lead.” In October 2018, Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed announced his decision to appoint women to half of his government’s ministerial posts establishing equal gender representation in the Ethiopian government cabinet for the first time. This move was not just symbolic. Ethiopia is an … Read more

“Harvard Ministers” Plan Accelerated Progress in Human Capital Goals

Harvard Ministers

The traditional silo structures of most governments are not well suited to advancing progress in human capital development. Tackling human capital priorities requires a multi-sectoral approach necessitating government to work collaboratively across ministries. These were key points of discussion when 25 currently serving ministers of education, health, finance and economic planning who are all “alumni” … Read more

Côte D’Ivoire Education Minister is First Winner of the Harvard Ministerial Medal of Achievement

Côte D’Ivoire Education Minister, Kandia Camara, is the first winner of the Harvard Ministerial Medal of Achievement.  When Minister Camara was invited to participate in the annual Harvard Ministerial Leadership Forum in June 2018, she had been in office for seven years already, but she faced an uphill struggle.  She because Minister in the wake of a devastatingly destructive 10-year civil war.  Despite significant resources allocated to rebuilding the education system in the years after the civil war, enrollment rates and outcomes remained well below national targets and international standards.

Minister Camara came to Harvard with a 10-year sector plan that included a strategic focus on “accelerating the development of human capital and the promotion of social wellbeing” as well as a target education budget of 6% of GDP.  What the Minister needed was a roadmap for how to achieve this broad goal.  A core element of the Ministerial Forum curriculum is focus on legacy, as the defining strategic objective of Ministers’ tenure in office.  Legacy must focus on a clearly defined national priority, with measurable targets and achievable within set timelines.  At the end of an intensive week at Harvard, Minister Camara had a clear and motivating legacy goal: Achieve a school enrollment rate of 100% by 2025 and improve the quality of education to ensure a literate population with the necessary skills for the development of our country.

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